Secure in Jesus? Part 4

We live in a world with many nations.  But there are two invisible kingdoms.  They came from the beginning of creation.  God is the Ruler of the universe.  He appointed Adam to rule on His behalf over this planet.  Adam was deceived by the devil and the devil became the ruler of the world,  

‘…the whole world is under the control of the evil one.’  1 John 5:19b   

Since then we have two rival invisible kingdoms, the Kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness.  God is Ruler of the Kingdom of Light and Satan the ruler of the kingdom of darkness.  All people in the world are born into and belong to the kingdom of darkness.  

God made it possible for any one to ‘emigrate’ from darkness to Light.  That happens when we repentant and change from the broad road to the narrow road (it is narrow because Jesus alone can put us on it),  

‘For He [God] has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the Kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.’  Colossians 1:13   

So people are either in the kingdom of Satan or in the Kingdom of God.  It is a fact of life that darkness hates the Light, 

‘This is the verdict: Light has come into the world [through Jesus] but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.’  John 3:19

Before we judge the people of the world, we need to remember God’s advice, 

‘What business is it of mine [Paul] to judge those outside the church?  Are you not to judge those inside:  God will judge those outside.’  1 Corinthians 5:12-13a

We need to remember the two kingdoms at all times.  Ask yourself to which kingdom some one belongs.  It is a waste of time to criticise or condemn people of the kingdom of darkness.  They don’t understand the ‘language’ of the Light. Compare it to an English person addressed in Russian.  It is incomprehensible to the English person.   


The universal language we can use is prayer. Pray continually.  Anybody who slanders Jesus is not part of the Kingdom of Light.  They need prayer. 

Author: Gerard and Alida

As you can see in the photo, there are two of us. We live and work together 24/7, studying and enjoying our grandchildren. Our passion is to know and understand what will happen after death. Is there a way to provide for and invest in that?

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