The Almighty and America

As a non-American it was, and still is, thought provoking to observe the news of what happens there.  We understand that America was founded on Scriptural principles.  

However, it seems as if the enemies of God work overtime to destroy the United States.  

  • In 1963 prayer in schools was prohibited.  Nobody ever explained why prayer to the God of the Bible was so dangerous.  
  • Since then the enemies of God have tirelessly worked to oppose every Biblical doctrine possible.  Abortion, transgenderism, occult practices and deviations from the God ordained male/female marriage and the patriarchal family are accepted.     
  • The events in Afghanistan were especially thought provoking.  

One almost gets the impression that God has decided to let America go because they don’t want Him.  So just like the Israelites, He allows them to destroy themselves.  

We observe, not to gloat over events, but to understand that God’s principles apply to all nations.  In our country, South Africa, the leading party is also not particularly into the God of the Bible.  

Therefore these verses from the book of Isaiah are very illuminating: 

‘…They have forsaken the Lord; they have spurned the Holy One of Israel and turned their backs upon Him.’  Isaiah 1:4b

‘[Therefore] your country is desolate, your cities burned with fire…’  Isaiah 1:7a

This happened, with all the unrest, in quite a few American cities and also in South Africa with the terrible riots and fires a few weeks ago.  

However, there is always a remnant who trusts in God.  To them, God has a special message, 

‘Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds.’  Isaiah 3:10

We can agree that even these negative events show that God is still involved in what happens around us.  So we understand the vision Isaiah had of the seraphs who said, 

‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of His glory.’  Isaiah 6:3

Author: Gerard and Alida

As you can see in the photo, there are two of us. We live and work together 24/7, studying and enjoying our grandchildren. Our passion is to know and understand what will happen after death. Is there a way to provide for and invest in that?

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